Septembre 1918

A perishable theatre

WHEN speaking of a Perishable Theatre I do not want anybody to imagine that I use the word " Perishable" as implying something hardly worth consideration. I use it so as to distinguish it from the Durable Theatre, to place it apart; not that it is inferior to the Durable Theatre, only that it is different.

The place

Architecture does not come into this question of place, for the ephemeral theatre. Its Drama could be performed in any and every place, and caprice and phantasy might put together stages one more fantastic than the other. Something, like a house of cards; with the suggestion that, should we lean against it, it would topple over.

The little theatres of America

According to Miss c. D. Mackaye who has written a book on "The Little Theatres in the United States ", the Washington Square Players established in 1915 are " undoubtedly the most interesting group of Little Theatre Players in the States " .

Chronique des petits théatres de Paris

And we reproduce the title page for you to see.