Nan Goldin

Faye Wei Wei

par Will Furtado

Slade Art School graduate Faye Wei Wei creates shapeshifting creatures and constructs mythical nirvanas

Achilles Ion Gabriel

par Ira Solomatina

The men’s footwear designer on gender-neutral stilettos, respect for Finnish style and his collaborations with Marni

Josep Maynou

par Harriet Shepherd

Storyteller Josep Maynou spins yarns through whatever materials he has to hand – rugs, brooms, movie posters, even galleries

Nicole Atieno

par Grace Banks · visuels: Vitali Gelwich

The Kenyan-born model on Gucci, German manners and learning from her mother

Future Fashion

par Cassidy George · visuels: Hélène Jeudy

From wearable tech to online megastores, we’ve subverted the spring fashion trend roundup, and instead, created our own predictions of the trends we’ll be obsessed with in the future

Material Fantasies

par Natalie Rigg · visuels: Bex Day

London-based Turkish designer Dilara Findikoglu makes clothes that confront politics and utopian fantasies that examine our posttruth era

Nan Goldin

par Grace Banks

Ten months ago photographer Nan Goldin was addicted to OxyContin. Now she’s free of the drug, she’s taking on the people who developed the prescription medication with an activist campaign and a new series of photographs documenting her experience

Karley Sciortino

par Saskia Vogel

New York writer Karley Sciortino on how her recently published noholds- barred memoir is dismantling the stigma surrounding sex work by showing the industry’s highs, lows, mehs and lolz

Maria Forqué

par Kristian Vistrup Madsen · visuels: Noel Quintela

Banned from Instagram and condemned in the press, Spain’s Maria Forqué is fighting back by making art confronting the taboos of sex and nudity

Kapwani Kiwanga

par Sophia Lawler

Fresh from winning Frieze New York’s inaugural Frieze Artist Award, Kapwani Kiwanga is questioning power structures in the West through speculative art about jazz musicians from Saturn and subcontinental tunnels

Lawrence Lek

par Tom Kobialka

Lawrence Lek’s films offer optimistic visions of tomorrow’s technological possibilities while challenging tired Western stereotypes of East Asia

Nelly Ben Hayoun

par Ira Solomatina

Award-winning French designer, academic and public speaker Nelly Ben Hayoun is taking on further education by founding her own university, insisting on more artistry in government and proudly being a multihyphenate creative.

Abdulnasser Gharem

par Claudio Cravero

Saudi Artist Abdulnasser Gharem practices the fine art of defiance through his Internet-inspired artworks critiquing his governmentʼs visions for the future

Micaiah Carter

visuels: Micaiah Carter

He may only be 22 years-old, but Micaiah Carter has created a storm with a fine art portrait style that spotlights the power in black creative culture.

The last supper

par Hedvig Jenning

Every year, the European Shooting Stars initiative celebrates 10 of Europe’s finest young actors who’ve excelled on screen.