The seven deadly sins

The seventies

I Want to be Evil

par Alan Coren

"Today I feel so wicked, so wicked, so wicked." Carmen Miranda

Seven Deadly Sinners

Tired of writing about their wickedness under the pseudonym of "Name and address supplied", seven distinguished sinners have leapt at the chance to flaunt their failings openly. We can only apologise for their degeneracy and ask you ail to ostracise them socially


par Murray Ball

Continuing the adventures of the Great Palaeolithic Hero

There’ll be Eagles Over the White Cliffs of Dover

par Alan Brien

At a time when the BBC is planning a TV programme about a Nazi occupation of this country , Alan Brien reveals an hitherto unknown essay by Dr Goebbels on the tactics most calculated to succeed

David Myers

David Myers. a free-lance cartoonist for twenty years. first went to art college on an Army grant and while still there took over from Osbert Lancaster on the Express. Then Lancaster came back from his holidays. Since that time Myers has done a TV series. invented a toy, designed 500 greeting cards and become a sucker for junk shops

If Music be the Food of Love, Let’s Sell it Canned

par Peter Preston

Peter Preston on the latest developments in the wonderful world of background music

Country life

Not everything that happens in Britain gets into the national press. This feature presents some of the news which never made it. Readers are invited to contribute : f:1 will be paid for each clipping used. Send entries to Country Lite column. Punch, 23 Tudor Street. EC4.