L. Iacocca with W. Novak Iacocca: an Autobiography
There's something comforting about Lee Iacocca's autobiography. He mightn't have been the nice all-American guy that he paints in his book (I was one degree of separation from him) but like Forrest Gump, it's a trip down memory lane for many a car enthusiast.
S. Engeseth One: a Consumer Revolution for Business
The one non-car title is my friend Stefan Engeseth's One, which I regard as his finest work (though I suspect he would identify his later Sharkonomics as superior). One brings together many of his earlier marketing theories and the principles still apply. The way he brings it together is inventive, showing that his brain does work differently and arguably more imaginatively than ours!
G. Chapman The Car Book: the Definitive Visual History
In much the same vein, so is Giles Chapman and others' The Car Book, which is comprehensive and entertaining.