
Public Discourse

by Dave Combs

A film by Brad Downey, Quenell Jones and Tim Hansberry reviewed by Dave Combs

Tokyo’s Postmodern Sticker Culture

by Scot Orser

There are many ways to experience and enjoy art wherever you go. One way is to visit an art gallery where you receive the art in a manner controlled by the artist. The art is on the wall, protected from hands, and carries a price tag. On the opposite side of the spectrum, street art is a very hands on medium in which participation is free for all. One can spray over, rip down, or cover up whatever is within arm’s reach.

The yellow dog

Jon Burgerman

20 mg : visual narcotics


Mike Clark

My name is Mark Clark, and I'm responsible for the 'Color Your City !' project. The basic idea is to spread pencils all over the world with that exact message written on the pencils. The pencils have already travelled to : Belgium, Canada, United Kingdom, USA, Brazil, Greece, France, Spain and many more.


PEELzine set out to find the mysterious and enigmatic artist known only as ABOVE. The following is a photojournal of the journey: In Pursuit of ABOVE

Klutch: profile of a Vinyl Killer

Intense colors, intricate patterns, splatters, drips, and figures, sometimes disturbingly lifelike describe the work of the Portland-based artist known as Klutch. PEELzine had the opportunity to catch a glimpse into the mind of the man behind all that vinyl. Here’s what he had to say...

I am Zoltron...

Sticker Design Competition

Sticky art - Art that sticks

by Megan Miller · illustrations: Patch

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