Issue 8

Clowns at Work

by Neil Michael Hagerty

Me and Ali

by Gilbert Rogin

In 1996, soon after Muhammad Ali lit the torch to launch Atlanta's Olympic games, the boxer met with novelist Gilbert Rogin in New York City. Rogin -- a former Sports Illustrated editor who covered Ali early in both men's careers -- wrote the following account.

Five Cartoons

by David Berman

Billy Madison : a love letter

by Jay Ruttenberg

I have heard it said that it's during times of emotional tumult that young men are drawn to Bob Dylan, or at least to religion. Yet it was under such a cloud that, one summer in the 1990s, I grew suddenly and undyingly gripped by a very different tour de force: Billy Madison, the 1995 movie featuring Adam Sandler

Musicians You Should Know

by Jay Ruttenberg · illustrations: Mike Reddy

Laughter Strikes the Duplex Planet

by David Greenberger