Sapientia Lunae
Will Poland and Bohemia Regain Their National Independence ?
by Guido Bruno.
Two Oriental Stories
by James Waldo Fawcett
The Hungry Man and the Arab - The Emperor and the Jester
In our village
The Carpet of Omar Nizam
by Katherine Keith
The fierce glare of the eastern sun at mid-day beat pitilessly down on the narrow, squalid streets of Kermanshah. Even the shrill voices of the ragged children were hushed. Save for the piercing trill of the locust, breathless, panting silence reigned; and not a leaf* stirred, nothing save the unending shimmer of the atmosphere.
Bernhardt Wall
The Etcher
What is Æstheticism?
by W. G. Blaikie Murdoch
A Reply to Certain Critics
Henry David Thoreau
by James Waldo Fawcett
Ninety-nine years ago, July 12th was born, at Concord, Massachusetts, one of the gentlest souls that ever wore the title man, and one of the noblest figures in American letters : Henry David Thoreau, best known as the author of "Walden."