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Travels in Arabia Deserts
A black wren
The water was cold and freshening as it poured from the brass tap over his fingers and wrists, and he was so occupied with his pleasure that he scarcely noticed his wife passing through the scullery and only heard her voice vaguely, saying, "I'm going out to see about a black wren."
Henry Ford
Who has ever approached political thought or action with an aesthetic?
The priest speaks
Joseph Gould
The man
Social position
Nearly everyone is perplexed by the human instinct to either lord it over other people or bow down to them. In the eyes of the Infinite, all pride is dust and ashes. But as we must live with our brother man, it is natural that each of us should have his ideal of proper society.
The poet assassinated
Persecution - Assassination - Apotheosis -
“A boire ! A boire”
Gargantua shouted it when he came fat and ruddy tumbling into that bright and wine-glorious country of France.
How many miles to Babylon ?
This nursery rhyme has won the eulogies of R. L. Stevenson and Mr. Walter de la Mare, among other distinguished poets, as being one of the most truly poetic pieces in the language.
Soto and the new world
Courage is strength—and you are vigilant, sagacious, firm besides.